Training Settings

Before you can enable the Warden training cron task you must remove the legacy Plesk training scripts. On Centos/AlmaLinux/CloudLinux use the command yum remove psa-spamassassin and on Debian/Ubuntu use the command apt remove psa-spamassassin

Training Settings

training_domains - training_domains
The domains to use for Bayes training. Select "all" for all domains.
Default: all

train_spam - train_spam
Train from read mail in the users spam folder as spam.
Default: 1

train_ham - train_ham
Train from read mail in the users inbox as ham.
Default: 1

training_max_size - training_max_size
Skip messages larger than this size (in KB). Defaults to 500 KB, Use 0 for no limit.
Default: 500

training_interval - training_interval
How often to do the training.
Default: daily

training_hour - training_hour
The hour of day to do training.
Default: 2

training_day_of_week - training_day_of_week
The day of week to do training (used in weekly training).
Default: 0 (Sun)

training_day_of_month - training_day_of_month
The day of the month to do training (used in monthly training).
Default: 1