
Use several methods to search attached documents for evidence of an OLE Macro.

warden --task=antispam:plugin:olevbmacro
Value Default Description
--olemacro_num_mime <string> 5 The maximum number of matching MIME parts the plugin will scan.
--olemacro_num_zip <string> 8 The maximum number of matching zip members the plugin will scan.
--olemacro_zip_depth <string> 2 The max depth to recurse within zip files.
--olemacro_extended_scan <string> 0 Scan more files for potential macros, olemacro_skip_exts still honored. This is off by default and should not be needed. If this is turned on consider adjusting values for olemacro_num_mime and olemacro_num_zip and prepare for more CPU overhead.
--olemacro_prefer_contentdisposition <string> 1 The content-disposition header filename be preferred if ambiguity is encountered whilst trying to get filename.
--olemacro_max_file <string> 1024000 The largest file that the plugin will decode from the MIME objects.
--olemacro_exts <string> (?:doc|docx|dot|pot|ppa|pps|ppt|rtf|sldm|xl|xla|xls|xlsx|xlt|xslb)$ The extensions the plugin targets for macro scanning.
--olemacro_macro_exts <string> (?:docm|dotm|ppam|potm|ppst|ppsm|pptm|sldm|xlm|xlam|xlsb|xlsm|xltm|xps)$ The extensions the plugin treats as containing a macro.
--olemacro_zips <string> (?:zip)$ The extensions for the plugin to target as zip files.
--olemacro_skip_exts <string> (?:dotx|potx|ppsx|pptx|sldx|xltx)$ The extensions for the plugin to skip entirely, these should only be guaranteed macro free files.
--olemacro_skip_ctypes <string> ^(?:text\/) The Configure types for the plugin to skip entirely, these should only be guaranteed macro free.
--default <yes> Reset all settings to their default values.
--default_option <option> Reset a specific setting to its default value.
--reload <yes> Reload the service after saving settings.


// set the olemacro_num_mime
warden --task=antispam:plugin:olevbmacro --olemacro_num_mime=10 --reload=yes

// reset olemacro_num_mime to its default value
warden --task=antispam:plugin:olevbmacro --default_option=olemacro_num_mime --reload=yes

// reset all settings to their default values
warden --task=antispam:plugin:olevbmacro --default=yes --reload=yes

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