Relaycountry bad countries - relaycountry_bad_countries
If an email is relayed though any of these countries then apply the RELAYCOUNTRY_BAD rule to them.
Default: empty
Relaycountry good countries - relaycountry_good_countries
If an email is relayed though any of these countries then apply the RELAYCOUNTRY_GOOD rule to them.
Default: empty
Relaycountry bad score - relaycountry_bad_score
The score to give any country matching the bad countries.
Default: 3.25
Relaycountry good score - relaycountry_good_score
The score to give any country matching the bad countries.
Default: -0.5
Country DB type - country_db_type
This option tells SpamAssassin which type of Geo database to use. Valid database types are GeoIP2, GeoIP, DB_File and Fast.
Default: GeoIP2
Country DB Path - relaycountry_good_score
This option tells SpamAssassin where to find MaxMind GeoIP2, GeoIP or IP::Country::DB_File database.
Default: /usr/share/GeoIP/GeoLite2-City.mmdb