Name | Description |
AntiVirus | Simple antivirus tests to check if an email contains an executable attachment. |
ASN | Add metadata to the Bayesian filtering process, allowing the Bayesian filters to learn information based on the ASN of the connecting IP address. |
AWL | Track scores from messages previously received and adjusts the message score by boosting or penalizing messages from senders who send ham or spam. |
DCC | DCC is a system of servers counting checksums of millions of mail messages to determine of a message is bulk email or not. (not installed by default) |
DecodeShortURLs | Decode shortened URLs in messages then add the URLs to a list of URIs which can then be scored and accessed by other plug-ins. (Spamassassin 4.0 or newer) |
DKIM | Perform DKIM lookups as well as historical DomainKeys lookups. |
DMARC | Checks if emails match DMARC policy. (Spamassassin 4.0 or newer) |
ExtractText | Use external tools to extract text from images, PDFs, and other document types. (Spamassassin 4.0 or newer) |
FreeMail | Check the headers for indication that a senders domain is that of a site offering free email services. |
FromNameSpoof | Perform various tests to detect spoof attempts using the From: header name section. |
HashBL | Search email addresses in the blacklists. |
OLEVBMacro | Use several methods to search attached documents for evidence of an OLE Macro. |
PDFInfo | Use several methods to detect a PDF files ham and spam traits. |
Phishing | Check URIs against Openphish and PhishTank phishing feeds. |
Pyzor | A collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam using identifying digests of messages. |
Razor2 | A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network based on user submissions of spam. |
RelayCountry | Add metadata to the Bayesian filtering process, allowing the Bayesian filters to learn information based on countries. |
ResourceLimits | Limit the memory / CPU usage of child spamd processes. |
Rule2XSBody | Compile SpamAssassin ruleset into native code. (not installed by default) |
SH | The Data Query Service is a set of DNSBLs with real time updates operated by by Spamhaus Technology. |
Shortcircuit | Stop evaluation early if high-accuracy rules fire in order to reduce CPU load. |
SPF | Check SPF records published by the domain owners in DNS to fight email address forgery and make it easier to identify spams. |
TextCat | Try to guess the language used in the message body text. |
TxRep | Normalize scores with sender reputation records. |
URIDNSBL | Look up URLs in a message against DNS blocklists. |
URILocalBL | Blacklist URIs using local country and CIDR information. |
VBounce | Aid in rescuing genuine bounces. |
WelcomeListSubject | Whitelist or blacklist by Subject: header. |
To view any missing perl modules run the command:
spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep -i failed
The DMARC Perl module used by Spamassassin 4.0.0 or newer. This module is required by the DMARC plugin.
There are no pre-built Mail::DMARC packages for these OS so we must use cpanm to install them manually.
// install the Perl dependencies
yum install curl gcc perl perl-core perl-devel perl-App-cpanminus perl-Email-MessageID perl-MIME-Types perl-Email-MIME-Encodings \
perl-Email-MIME-ContentType perl-Test-Output perl-Class-Tiny perl-Path-Tiny perl-Test-Fatal perl-Email-Address-XS perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike \
perl-libnet perl-Email-Simple perl-Test-Exception perl-Email-MIME perl-Regexp-Common perl-DBD-SQLite perl-DBIx-Simple perl-Net-DNS perl-Scope-Guard \
perl-File-Copy-Recursive perl-XML-LibXML perl-Email-Sender perl-Config-Tiny perl-Sub-Exporter perl-Email-Abstract perl-Throwable perl-Sub-Exporter \
perl-Email-Address perl-File-ShareDir perl-File-ShareDir-Install perl-Socket6
// install the Mail::DMARC perl module
cpanm Mail::DMARC
// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the Mail::DMARC and its dependencies should be installed.
There are no pre-built Mail::DMARC packages for these OS so we must use cpanm to install them manually.
// install the Perl dependencies
sudo apt-get install perl build-essential libssl-dev cpanminus libemail-messageid-perl libmime-types-perl libemail-mime-encodings-perl libemail-mime-contenttype-perl \
libemail-address-xs-perl libmoox-types-mooselike-perl libnet-smtp-server-perl libemail-simple-perl libemail-mime-perl \
libxml-libxml-perl libemail-sender-perl libconfig-tiny-perl libsub-exporter-perl libemail-abstract-perl libregexp-common-perl libtest-output-perl libnet-idn-encode-perl \
libdbix-simple-perl libsub-uplevel-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl libfile-sharedir-perl libtest-exception-perl
// install the Mail::DMARC perl module
sudo cpanm Mail::DMARC
// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the Mail::DMARC and its dependencies should be installed.
The GeoIP2 Perl module used by Spamassassin 3.4.2 or newer. This module is required by the RelayCountry and URILocalBL plugins.
There are pre-build GeoIP2 packages (including perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS for C based lookup for the fastest performance):
// install the Perl dependencies
yum install perl-GeoIP2 perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS
// install the Perl dependencies
yum install curl gcc perl perl-core perl-devel perl-App-cpanminus perl-CPAN-Meta perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML \
perl-Clone-PP perl-Data-Dumper perl-Data-Dumper-Concise perl-DateTime perl-DateTime-Locale perl-DateTime-TimeZone \
perl-Dist-CheckConflicts perl-Exporter perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-File-HomeDir perl-File-ShareDir \
perl-File-ShareDir-Install perl-File-Which perl-Getopt-Long perl-HTTP-Message perl-IO-Compress perl-JSON-MaybeXS \
perl-JSON-PP perl-LWP-Protocol-https perl-Module-Implementation perl-Module-Metadata perl-Module-Runtime \
perl-Module-Runtime perl-Package-Stash perl-Package-Stash-XS perl-Params-Validate perl-Path-Class \
perl-PathTools perl-Role-Tiny perl-Scalar-List-Utils perl-Sort-Naturally perl-Test-Deep perl-Test-Fatal \
perl-Test-Number-Delta perl-Test-Requires perl-Test-Simple perl-Test-Tester perl-Test-Warnings perl-Throwable \
perl-Try-Tiny perl-URI perl-libwww-perl perl-namespace-autoclean perl-namespace-clean
// install the MaxMind GeoIP2::Database::Reader perl module
cpanm GeoIP2::Database::Reader
// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the GeoIP2::Database::Reader and its dependencies should be installed.
There are pre-build GeoIP2 packages (including libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl for C based lookup for the fastest performance):
apt-get install libgeoip2-perl libmaxminddb0 libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl
There are no pre-built GeoIP2 packages for these OS so we must use cpanm to install them manually.
// install the Perl dependencies
sudo apt-get install perl build-essential libssl-dev cpanminus libfile-which-perl libdata-printer-perl
// install the MaxMind GeoIP2::Database::Reader perl module
sudo cpanm GeoIP2::Database::Reader
// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the GeoIP2::Database::Reader and its dependencies should be installed.