Plugin Settings

Plugins Supported

Name Description
AntiVirus Simple antivirus tests to check if an email contains an executable attachment.
ASN Add metadata to the Bayesian filtering process, allowing the Bayesian filters to learn information based on the ASN of the connecting IP address.
AWL Track scores from messages previously received and adjusts the message score by boosting or penalizing messages from senders who send ham or spam.
DCC DCC is a system of servers counting checksums of millions of mail messages to determine of a message is bulk email or not. (not installed by default)
DecodeShortURLs Decode shortened URLs in messages then add the URLs to a list of URIs which can then be scored and accessed by other plug-ins. (Spamassassin 4.0 or newer)
DKIM Perform DKIM lookups as well as historical DomainKeys lookups.
DMARC Checks if emails match DMARC policy. (Spamassassin 4.0 or newer)
ExtractText Use external tools to extract text from images, PDFs, and other document types. (Spamassassin 4.0 or newer)
FreeMail Check the headers for indication that a senders domain is that of a site offering free email services.
FromNameSpoof Perform various tests to detect spoof attempts using the From: header name section.
HashBL Search email addresses in the blacklists.
OLEVBMacro Use several methods to search attached documents for evidence of an OLE Macro.
PDFInfo Use several methods to detect a PDF files ham and spam traits.
Phishing Check URIs against Openphish and PhishTank phishing feeds.
Pyzor A collaborative, networked system to detect and block spam using identifying digests of messages.
Razor2 A distributed, collaborative, spam detection and filtering network based on user submissions of spam.
RelayCountry Add metadata to the Bayesian filtering process, allowing the Bayesian filters to learn information based on countries.
ResourceLimits Limit the memory / CPU usage of child spamd processes.
Rule2XSBody Compile SpamAssassin ruleset into native code. (not installed by default)
SH The Data Query Service is a set of DNSBLs with real time updates operated by by Spamhaus Technology.
Shortcircuit Stop evaluation early if high-accuracy rules fire in order to reduce CPU load.
SPF Check SPF records published by the domain owners in DNS to fight email address forgery and make it easier to identify spams.
TextCat Try to guess the language used in the message body text.
TxRep Normalize scores with sender reputation records.
URIDNSBL Look up URLs in a message against DNS blocklists.
URILocalBL Blacklist URIs using local country and CIDR information.
VBounce Aid in rescuing genuine bounces.
WelcomeListSubject Whitelist or blacklist by Subject: header.

Perl Modules Installation

To view any missing perl modules run the command:

spamassassin -D --lint 2>&1 | grep -i failed

Mail::DMARC Perl Module Installation

The DMARC Perl module used by Spamassassin 4.0.0 or newer. This module is required by the DMARC plugin.


There are no pre-built Mail::DMARC packages for these OS so we must use cpanm to install them manually.

// install the Perl dependencies
yum install curl gcc perl perl-core perl-devel perl-App-cpanminus perl-Email-MessageID perl-MIME-Types perl-Email-MIME-Encodings \
perl-Email-MIME-ContentType perl-Test-Output perl-Class-Tiny perl-Path-Tiny perl-Test-Fatal perl-Email-Address-XS perl-MooX-Types-MooseLike \
perl-libnet perl-Email-Simple perl-Test-Exception perl-Email-MIME perl-Regexp-Common perl-DBD-SQLite perl-DBIx-Simple perl-Net-DNS perl-Scope-Guard \
perl-File-Copy-Recursive perl-XML-LibXML perl-Email-Sender perl-Config-Tiny perl-Sub-Exporter perl-Email-Abstract perl-Throwable perl-Sub-Exporter \
perl-Email-Address perl-File-ShareDir perl-File-ShareDir-Install perl-Socket6

// install the Mail::DMARC perl module
cpanm Mail::DMARC

// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the Mail::DMARC and its dependencies should be installed.

Debian / Ubuntu

There are no pre-built Mail::DMARC packages for these OS so we must use cpanm to install them manually.

// install the Perl dependencies
sudo apt-get install perl build-essential libssl-dev cpanminus libemail-messageid-perl libmime-types-perl libemail-mime-encodings-perl libemail-mime-contenttype-perl \
libemail-address-xs-perl libmoox-types-mooselike-perl libnet-smtp-server-perl libemail-simple-perl libemail-mime-perl \
libxml-libxml-perl libemail-sender-perl libconfig-tiny-perl libsub-exporter-perl libemail-abstract-perl libregexp-common-perl libtest-output-perl libnet-idn-encode-perl \
libdbix-simple-perl libsub-uplevel-perl libdbd-sqlite3-perl libfile-sharedir-perl libtest-exception-perl

// install the Mail::DMARC perl module
sudo cpanm Mail::DMARC

// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the Mail::DMARC and its dependencies should be installed.

GeoIP2::Database::Reader Perl Module Installation

The GeoIP2 Perl module used by Spamassassin 3.4.2 or newer. This module is required by the RelayCountry and URILocalBL plugins.

RHEL/Centos/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux 8

There are pre-build GeoIP2 packages (including perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS for C based lookup for the fastest performance):

// install the Perl dependencies
yum install perl-GeoIP2 perl-MaxMind-DB-Reader-XS

RHEL/Centos/CloudLinux/AlmaLinux 7

// install the Perl dependencies
yum install curl gcc perl perl-core perl-devel perl-App-cpanminus perl-CPAN-Meta perl-CPAN-Meta-YAML \
perl-Clone-PP perl-Data-Dumper perl-Data-Dumper-Concise perl-DateTime perl-DateTime-Locale perl-DateTime-TimeZone \
perl-Dist-CheckConflicts perl-Exporter perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker perl-File-HomeDir perl-File-ShareDir \
perl-File-ShareDir-Install perl-File-Which perl-Getopt-Long perl-HTTP-Message perl-IO-Compress perl-JSON-MaybeXS \
perl-JSON-PP perl-LWP-Protocol-https perl-Module-Implementation perl-Module-Metadata perl-Module-Runtime \
perl-Module-Runtime perl-Package-Stash perl-Package-Stash-XS perl-Params-Validate perl-Path-Class \
perl-PathTools perl-Role-Tiny perl-Scalar-List-Utils perl-Sort-Naturally perl-Test-Deep perl-Test-Fatal \
perl-Test-Number-Delta perl-Test-Requires perl-Test-Simple perl-Test-Tester perl-Test-Warnings perl-Throwable \
perl-Try-Tiny perl-URI perl-libwww-perl perl-namespace-autoclean perl-namespace-clean

// install the MaxMind GeoIP2::Database::Reader perl module
cpanm GeoIP2::Database::Reader

// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the GeoIP2::Database::Reader and its dependencies should be installed.

Debian 11 / Debian 10 / Ubuntu 20

There are pre-build GeoIP2 packages (including libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl for C based lookup for the fastest performance):

apt-get install libgeoip2-perl libmaxminddb0 libmaxmind-db-reader-xs-perl

Debian 9 / Ubuntu 18.04 / Ubuntu 16.04

There are no pre-built GeoIP2 packages for these OS so we must use cpanm to install them manually.

// install the Perl dependencies
sudo apt-get install perl build-essential libssl-dev cpanminus libfile-which-perl libdata-printer-perl

// install the MaxMind GeoIP2::Database::Reader perl module
sudo cpanm GeoIP2::Database::Reader

// Sit back and relax while cpamn builds and installs all the requred perl modules.
// After this completes the GeoIP2::Database::Reader and its dependencies should be installed.