
Configure the network tools settings.

warden --task=application-setup --license_key=<string>
Value Default Description
--license_key <string> The extension license key.
--autoinstall <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to run the installer and confgure the application.
--content_filter_milter <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to install the Amavisd-milter or 0 to not.
--antivirus <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to install ClamAV or 0 to not.
--kam <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to enable the KAM antispm ruleset or 0 to not.
--maxmind_key <string> The MaxMind geolocation license key. See: How to get a key
--abuseipdb_key <string> The AbuseIPDB reputation provider API key. See: How to get a key
--phishtank_key <string> The PhishTank anti-spam phishing API key. See: How to get a key
--securiteinfo <string> The SecuriteInfo anti-virus signature provider API key. See: How to get a key
--sanesecurity <1|0> 0 Set to 1 to enable the SaneSecurity antivirus signature provider.
--urlhaus <1|0> 0 Set to 1 to enable the URLhaus antivirus signature provider.


// run the installer and configure the application
warden --task=application-setup --license_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXX

// run the installer, configure the application, and set the maxmind API key
warden --task=application-setup --license_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXX --maxmind_key=XXXXXXXXXXXXX