Configure the default dashboard.
warden --task=application:dashboard --oper=<widget_directory|update|reset|reset_all> --layout=<1-5> --column1=<string,string2>
Option | Value | Description |
--oper |
<string> | The operation you want to perform. Operations: widget_directory - get a list of widgets, update - update the default dashboard, reset - reset the default dashboard, reset_all - reset the dashboards for all users. |
--layout |
<1-5> | The layout to use for the default dashboard. Layouts: 1 - 1 column, 2 - 2 columns, 3 - 2 columns with the right column larger, 4 - 2 columns with the left column larger, 5 - 3 columns. |
--column1 |
<string1,string2> | The widgets to use for the first column. |
--column2 |
<string1,string2> | The widgets to use for the second column. |
--column3 |
<string1,string2> | The widgets to use for the third column. |
// get a list of available dashboard widgets
warden --task=application:dashboard --oper=widget_directory
// update the default dashboard
warden --task=application:dashboard --oper=update --layout=2 --column1=Services,Contentstatisticsin,Contentstatisticsout --column2=Volumehour,Mailserveraccess,Announcements,Antivirussignatures
// reset the default dashboard back to default
warden --task=application:dashboard --oper=reset
// reset the dashboard for all users
warden --task=application:dashboard --oper=reset_all