Installation Instructions

• Postfix needs to be installed before you begin the installation. If your server is currently running Qmail then complete Switching from Qmail to Postfix
• Dovecot needs to be installed before you begin the installation. If your server is currently running Courier then complete Switching from Courier to Dovecot

Installation using the Plesk interface

  1. Login to the Plesk and go to Extensions then search for Warden. Then press the Get it Free button.
  2. Click the newly installed Warden Anti-spam and Virus Protection custom button on the left hand side of the navigation.
  3. You will be prompted to enter in your license key and start the setup wizard. You must go though the entire wizard in order to disable it. When running the configuration wizard for the first time it is important to apply the recommended settings for each page to apply the Plesk optimized settings for that section. You can view the installation progress using the command: tail -f /var/log/plesk/panel.log

Installation using the command line interface

• You must be root in order to run the command line installer.
• The license will be bound to the first public IP address on the servers network card. This IP address should resolve to the servers fully qualified domain name.
• If re-using an existing license from another server then make sure that the license is in the re-issued state. See here for how to re-issue your license.
• The installer must pass all validation tests (memory tests, repository tests, etc) otherwise the installer will exit and not run.

First install the extension using the following command:

plesk bin extension --install warden

Run the Warden CLI for the setup wizard to active the extension license, run the application installer, and configure the application:

warden --task=application:setup --license_key=XXX

The setup will return no output and an exit code of 0 if successful. The install log is located at /var/log/plesk/panel.log

CLI Options

Value Default Description
--license_key <string> The extension license key.
--autoinstall <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to run the installer and confgure the application.
--content_filter_milter <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to install the Amavisd-milter or 0 to not.
--antivirus <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to install ClamAV or 0 to not.
--kam <1|0> 1 Set to 1 to enable the KAM antispm ruleset or 0 to not.
--maxmind_key <string> The MaxMind geolocation license key. See: How to get a key
--abuseipdb_key <string> The AbuseIPDB reputation provider API key. See: How to get a key
--phishtank_key <string> The PhishTank anti-spam phishing API key. See: How to get a key
--securiteinfo <string> The SecuriteInfo anti-virus signature provider API key. See: How to get a key
--sanesecurity <1|0> 0 Set to 1 to enable the SaneSecurity antivirus signature provider.
--urlhaus <1|0> 0 Set to 1 to enable the URLhaus antivirus signature provider.