The csf command line options for the ConfigServer & Security Firewall. See /etc/csf/csf.conf and /etc/csf/readme.txt for more detailed information on how to use and configure this application.

csf --help
Option Description
--help Show help
--status List/Show the IPv4 iptables configuration
--status6 List/Show the IPv6 ip6tables configuration
--start Start the firewall rules
--stop Flush/Stop firewall rules (Note: lfd may restart csf)
--restart Restart firewall rules (csf)
--startq Quick restart (csf restarted by lfd)
--startf Force CLI restart regardless of LFDSTART setting
--restartall Restart firewall rules (csf) and then restart lfd daemon. Both csf and then lfd should be restarted after making any changes to the configuration files
--lfd [stop|start|restart|status] Actions to take with the lfd daemon
--add ip [comment] Allow an IP and add to /etc/csf/csf.allow
--addrm ip Remove an IP from /etc/csf/csf.allow and delete rule
--deny ip [comment] Deny an IP and add to /etc/csf/csf.deny
--denyrm ip Unblock an IP and remove from /etc/csf/csf.deny
--denyf Remove and unblock all entries in /etc/csf/csf.deny
--grep ip Search the iptables and ip6tables rules for a match (e.g. IP, CIDR, Port Number)
--iplookup ip Lookup IP address geographical information using CC_LOOKUPS setting in /etc/csf/csf.conf
--temp Displays the current list of temporary allow and deny IP entries with their TTL and comment
--temprm ip Remove an IP from the temporary IP ban or allow list
--temprmd ip Remove an IP from the temporary IP ban list only
--temprma ip Remove an IP from the temporary IP allow list only
--tempdeny ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment] Add an IP to the temp IP ban list. ttl is how long to blocks for (default:seconds, can use one suffix of h/m/d). Optional port. Optional direction of block can be one of: in, out or inout (default:in)
--tempallow ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment] Add an IP to the temp IP allow list (default:inout)
--tempf Flush all IPs from the temporary IP entries
--cgrep ip Requests the --grep output for IP from each member in an lfd Cluster
--cdeny ip [comment] Deny an IP in a Cluster and add to each remote /etc/csf/csf.deny
--ctempdeny ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment] Add an IP in a Cluster to the temp IP ban list (default:in)
--carm ip Unblock an IP in a Cluster and remove from each remote /etc/csf/csf.deny and temporary list
--callow ip [comment] Allow an IP in a Cluster and add to each remote /etc/csf/csf.allow
--ctempallow ip ttl [-p port] [-d direction] [comment] Add an IP in a Cluster to the temp IP allow list (default:in)
--carm ip Remove allowed IP in a Cluster and remove from each remote /etc/csf/csf.allow and temporary list
--cignore ip [comment] Ignore an IP in a Cluster and add to each remote /etc/csf/csf.ignore. Note: This will result in lfd being restarted
--cirm ip Remove ignored IP in a Cluster and remove from each remote /etc/csf/csf.ignore. Note: This will result in lfd being restarted
--cconfig [name] [value] Change configuration option [name] to [value] in a Cluster
--cfile [file] Send [file] in a Cluster to /etc/csf/
--crestart Cluster restart csf and lfd
--trace [add|remove] ip Log SYN packets for an IP across iptables chains. Note, this can create a LOT of logging information in /var/log/messages so should only be used for a short period of time. This option requires the iptables TRACE module and access to the raw PREROUTING chain to function
--mail [email] Display Server Check in HTML or email to [email] if present
--rbl [email] Process and display RBL Check in HTML or email to [email] if present
--logrun Initiate Log Scanner report via lfd
--ports View ports on the server that have a running process behind them listening for external connections
--graphs [graph type] [directory] Generate System Statistics html pages and images for a given graph type into a given directory. See ST_SYSTEM for requirements
--profile [command] [profile|backup] [profile|backup] Configuration profile functions for /etc/csf/csf.conf. You can create your own profiles using the examples provided in /usr/local/csf/profiles/. The profile reset_to_defaults.conf is a special case and will always be the latest default csf.conf
--mregen MESSENGERV2 /etc/apache2/conf.d/csf_messenger.conf regeneration. This will also gracefully restart httpd
--cloudflare [command] Commands for interacting with the CloudFlare firewall. See /etc/csf/readme.txt and CF_ENABLE for more detailed information
--check Check for updates to csf but do not upgrade
--update Check for updates to csf and upgrade if available
--disable Disable csf and lfd completely
--enable Enable csf and lfd if previously disabled
--version Show csf version