Command Line Interface

Juggernaut comes with a command line interface (CLI) that you can use to configure it from the command line.

• Option values should be set using the equal sign (=).
• If an option value has spaces or semicolons then the value should be wrapped in single quotes.
• If an option value needs single quotes then the value should be wrapped in single quotes with value single quotes properly escaped replacing a single quote with '\''
• Options are case sensitive.

Using the CLI

Run the following command for more information:

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/modules/juggernaut/minion --task=help

Minion is a cli tool for performing tasks


/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/modules/juggernaut/minion --task={task} --option1=value1 --option2=value2

Where {task} is one of the following:

  * application:about
  * application:application
  * application:geolocation
  * application:maintenance:database
  * application:maintenance
  * application:networktools
  * application:permissions
  * application:setup
  * firewall:disableserverips
  * firewall:docker
  * firewall:general
  * firewall:initial
  * firewall:logging
  * firewall:port
  * firewall:portflood
  * firewall:portipredirection
  * firewall:portknocking
  * firewall:smtp
  * help
  * lfd:allow
  * lfd:clustering
  * lfd:country
  * lfd:directorywatching:paths
  * lfd:directorywatching
  * lfd:globallists
  * lfd:ignore
  * lfd:ipblocklists
  * lfd:loginfailureblocking
  * lfd:loginfailurecustomtriggers
  * lfd:logscanner:logs
  * lfd:logscanner
  * lfd:messenger
  * lfd:netblock
  * lfd:rblcheck
  * lfd:reporting
  * lfd:statistics
  * lfd:tracking:account
  * lfd:tracking:connection
  * lfd:tracking:distributedattack
  * lfd:tracking:login
  * lfd:tracking:portscan
  * lfd:tracking:process
  * lfd:tracking:userid
  * lfd:trackingaccount
  * other:binarylocations
  * other:cloudflare:users
  * other:cloudflare
  * other:debug
  * other:loglocations
  * other:port
  * webserver:policy:webmail
  * webserver:policy

For more information on what a task does and usage details execute:

/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/modules/juggernaut/minion --task={task} --help


// install the juggernaut extension
plesk bin extension --install juggernaut

// Run the setup wizard to active the extension license, run the application installer, and configure the application
/usr/local/psa/admin/bin/modules/juggernaut/minion --task=application:setup --license_key=XXXXXX

// add a hostname to rdns ignore
/usr/local/psa/admin/sbin/modules/juggernaut/minion --task=lfd:ignore --oper=rdns_add --value='' --comment='this is a comment'