
Make sure that you are using a text editor that is UTF8 aware then making changes to the translation files.

The application has a fairly simple and easy to use i18n system that is slightly modeled after gettext.

Translation file example

return array
     'Hello, world!' => 'Bonjour, monde!',
     'Goodbye [:user]'  => 'Au revoir [:user]',

Translation file structure

 +- application
 |    +- i18n
 |        +- de.php (German)
 |        +- fr.php (French)
 +- modules
 |    +- common
 |        +- i18n
 |        |   +- de.php
 |        |   +- fr.php
 |    +- report
 |        +- i18n
 |        |   +- de.php
 |        |   +- fr.php

Language files

Language files can be downloaded here: sentinel-i18n.tar.gz

To copy and extract:

cd /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/modules/sentinel/
tar zxvf sentinel-i18n.tar.gz

To package into an archive:

cd /usr/local/psa/admin/plib/modules/
find -L "sentinel/" -path "*/i18n/*.php" | tar -zcvf sentinel-i18n.tar.gz -T -